well things down here in Texas could not be better. the weather is always something to talk about. this summer is going to be great 113 degree. its good that we have a constant breeze coming in off the gulf. u am still liking this job more and more each day. being home with esha and Micah all the time. getting a chance to watch him grow up, each day its something different. like yesterday he started to feed himself. and he is clapping now. oh and the best part he learned how to say Dada! though he did say mom first...but who is keeping track. he is 11 moths and not far from his first birthday. it has been a true blessing working with these kids and getting to reach into there life. making a huge difference in them even if you have not done much to them. i am starting to miss home now. but its not to bad. they don't have a lot of things that i had up north. like certain foods and restaurants. but they have a lot of great Mexican places to eat. its all good too! i stay away from the Chinese restaurants here but the nicer place are OK to eat at. the beech is amazing. to go and swim when ever i want its nothing like the great lakes!
this job is nothing like any job i use to do! i really don't call it a job. its a ministry. i love this place and the opportunity that we have here! God has certainly blessed us here!
I'm glad to hear things are going well for you guys. It's hard to believe Micah is 11 months already! Thanks for the update :)